Heater cover

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Picture 343 An airing cupboard, radiator cover and storage all in one! This cupboard has been designed to cover the radiator with shelves above. The cupboard doors feature Jali fretwork 7602.
Google Image Result for http://thisoldhouse.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341cae1553ef01156fcb3435970c-320pi:
Få snedkerens nemme guide: Sådan bygger du din egen radiatorskjuler
This DIY radiator cover is easy and cheap to make. It's the perfect cover for that ugly radiator in your apartment and a bonus shelf space.
01453 731305
If you ask me it doesn't work when it's got legs on. Needs a mirror or something above to draw the eye.
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Front Door love
radiátor takarok...
Már régóta foglalkoztat,hogy eltakarnám a radiátorokat de már csak az új lakásba fog megtörténni,nem mintha csúnyák lennének mert ujjak és l...
Rambling Renovators: DIY Radiator Cover In The Entry Way
DIY Radiator Cover with storage cubbies | Ramblingrenovators.ca More
25 Heizkörperverkleidung Ideen für Ihr wohnliches Zuhause
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radiator cover idea for kitchen