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Les meilleures activités Montessori pour les 3 - 7 ans à faire à la maison
Qui ne connait pas la «Méthode Montessori» ? Une méthode qui permet aux enfants de grandir tout en développant leur autonomie, en étant responsable et en expérimentant...
Kids teach kids the days of the week and the weather with my Free kids day chart, free printable kids weather chart. Instant download.
7 Actually Doable Ways To Be More Organized In June
Rather than hearing, "What should I doooooo?" every time someone in your house is bored this summer, they can reach into the "I'm Bored" jar and pull out a popsicle stick with a surprise activity written on it, like playing in the sprinkler or writing a letter to a friend. You could paint and draw on the sticks with your kids before placing them inside so they get excited about which one they might pull out next. Here are some instructions.
When I'm Upset Card - $1.00 : File Folder Heaven - Printable, Hands-On Fun with File Folder Games
Free Behavior Supports! This printable behavior support is a choice card for students with Autism or other visual learners. The "When I'm Upset," card offers students calming choices to be done in a "quiet area," when upset or calming down from a tantrum. Download at: www.filefolderhea...