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98 Pins
Pillow Quotes - Pillowfights.gr
Το «πολύ μαζί, σκοτώνει» είναι ένα ψέμαπου επινόησαν οι δειλοί απαισιόδοξοι
30 Good Morning Quotes to Awake You - Pretty Designs
Because I did wear pink chucks in my wedding dress and I need to wake up with a smile more!
Για να πλάσεις παιδιά πρέπει πρώτα να πλάσεις τον εαυτό σου.
If he's looking at you and you can't hold your smile, my best wishes for you to get well soon ! hahahah (it s a desease ! hahaha)
We Heart It
I crave the long lasting embrace, that embrace that makes you forget everything else..
Να πεθαίνεις!