
501 Pins
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This may contain: the needle has been hooked up to an object
Ремонт трикотажа
This may contain: two hands are working on a piece of fabric that has been stitched together with scissors
How to repair it?
This may contain: someone is knitting something with scissors in the middle of their hand and there are eyes drawn on the yarn
The sweater is broken, and a thread is repaired!
This may contain: the needles are next to the hole in the knitted material that has been stitched together
Как незаметно избавиться от дыры на вязанном изделии
Difficulty: Medium Материалы: • Нить хлопковая тонкая, для основания • Нить в цвет и толщину вязанного изделия
This may contain: someone is sewing with scissors and thread on the green knitted material that says, how to repair it?
How to repair it?
#clothes #Fashion #luxury #shopping
The Sleeve Length Can Be Stitched Like This
Crafting meets fashion in our DIY clothing guides. Get ready to make stunning, budget-friendly outfits. Explore with me! Hit follow and share your discoveries in the comments! 🌄💬
Save Your Favorite Sweater: How to Fix Holes in Knits
For more detailed and specific video content, please click the link to watch.