
29 Pins
Healing Waters by Fluidity DesignPart of the Eskenazi Health project which includes a more community-orientated public space.
Materiale in gradina: Corten - GEDEUS | Amenajări Grădini
COR-TEN ramp detail. The linear voids in the COR-TEN allow LED lighting to glow from below. (Photo Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture)
New High School Campus for the Cultural Institute in Tamaulipas, Mexico by Taller Veinticuatro
08 SLA landscape architecture photo by OREV « Landscape Architecture Platform
08 SLA landscape architecture photo by OREV « Landscape Architecture Works | Landezine
Garden of Giants by Mutabilis Landscape Architecture
Tudela-Culip Restoration Project in Cap de Creus by EMF Landscape Architecture
tudela restoration in Cap de Creus by EMF
Bottière Chênaie Eco-district by Atelier des Paysages Bruel-Delmar
Bottière Chênaie Eco-district by Atelier des Paysages Bruel-Delmar « Landezine | Landscape Architecture Works
Works by Elisa Vendramin
make our own map, use outline of wise men's journey and collage/gel transfer landscapes into it. cold nighttime landscapes to the shift into the valley landscape described
Articles - STUDENTS PROJECTS - DESIGN PROJECTS - PROJECTS2013 - Reformation and rehabilitation of an inactive quarry, with spatial location of uses for Tourism, Recreation and Environmental Education
Articles - STUDENTS PROJECTS - DESIGN PROJECTS - PROJECTS2013 - Reformation and rehabilitation of an inactive quarry, with spatial location of uses for Tourism, Recreation and Environmental Education