
14 Pins
a blue and white cross stitch pattern with flowers on the border, as well as an oval
���� #51 - ����� ������� 2 - elena-baldair
a black and white cross stitch pattern
���� #17 - �������� � ��. ! - Yra3raza
the cross stitch pattern is shown in grey and white
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a black and white cross stitch pattern
���� #7 - ���� - irisha-ira
a cross is shown in the middle of a graphing paper with dots on it
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a cross stitch pattern with poinsettis and holly
���� #80 - λαρισα - ergoxeiro
a cross stitch pattern with blue and purple squares on the bottom, in different sizes
���� #162 - ����� (�������) - WhiteAngel
a cross stitch pattern with red, black and white dots on it's border
Узір s inspirer de la structure en losange...