marine environment

Plastic Free July | Plastic Bag Facts
Plastic bags are used only for a few minutes, yet they cause great harm. 👉 Go plastic bag free and opt for a reusable tote instead whenever you go grocery shopping! #plasticfreejuly #plasticpollution #reduce #reuse
Download premium image of World earth day and respect the environment poster by Sasi about planet, design, earth, illustration, and nature 2887049
#ACGGoesPlasticFree | Tips
Did you know that, according to Greenpeace, approximately 1.000.000 single-use coffee cup are used daily in Greece? 😲 👉 Break the plastic cycle and bring your own reusable cup! #ACGGoesPlasticFree #BeatPlasticPollution #TuesdayTip #ACGCares
Key Colony Beach Realty Blog
Marine Debris - Get Involved in Coastal Clean Ups! - Key Colony Beach Realty
Vasco Gargalo: Plastics in the oceans | ANEDDOTICA MAGAZINE- tech, history, activism and satire since 2012
Vasco Gargalo is a portuguese cartoonist, born in 1977 in Vila Franca de Xira, a friendly town in Portugal. He became a father for the first time in 2011.
#ACGGoesPlasticFree | Tips
Did you know that, according to the Ocean Conservancy, plastic straws are the 8th most found ocean trash in cleanups by quantity 🤯 👉 Help the ocean by using reusable straws made from steel, bamboo and wheat OR don’t use one at all! #ACGGoesPlasticFree #TeamOcean #ACGCares
Recycle, Refuse, Reduce, Re-use, Repair, Re-gift, Recover
Sustainable Skaneateles is focusing our 2014 efforts on the 7 Rs. We will be encouraging community residents, the village and town governments, as well as the schools to rethink what we usually to…
Infographics About Water |
Waterstep - Infographics - Sea metrics Where Water Comes From
9 ways to travel with less plastic - Posters & Postcards - Less Plastic
9 ways to travel with less plastic posters and postcards
9 tips for living with less plastic - Posters & Postcards - Less Plastic
9 tips for living with less plastic posters and postcards updated version June 2018
Eco-Friendly & Sustainably Made Products
Send your kids to school with a lunch that's good for them, and the planet with U-Konserve's packing tips for a plastic-free lunch!