
68 Pins
LIBRARIANA DEEL 40 (november-december 2013) / Johannes Torrentius / 111 PIN UP LIBRARIANS/ Buchmesse Frankfurt 2018
De populaire professor Richard A.Macksey, emeritus hoogleraar van de John Hopkins universiteit beschilt over een privébibliotheek van ongeveer 75.000 boeken
Leo Tolstoy by Carl Bulla | Лев Толстой, фото: Карл Булла
Leo Tolstoy by Carl Bulla | Лев Толстой, фото: Карл Булла | Flickr
Start Bay Notebooks
Things don't just happen - you've got to have a plan. Or are they the journals of a mad inventor? #travelersnotebook #traveljournal #leathernotebook #leatherjournal #journal #planner #bulletjournal #notebook #stationery #artjournal #startbaynotebooks
Start Bay Notebooks
My Sunday desk. #travelersnotebook #leathernotebook #traveljournal #leatherjournal #notebook #journal #planner #stationery #artjournal #bulletjournal #startbaynotebooks