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45 Pins
How to Frost a Cake with Buttercream - Step-by-Step Tutorial (Photos)
Tutorial - How to frost a perfectly smooth cake with buttercream icing! Images and animated gifs with detailed instructions!
olivers travels blogger retreat and chocolate almond and pear cake
Chocolate, almond and pear cake
#Repost @sunnysmileland with @repostapp with @internationalpastryacademy Шоколад-Банан-Карамель: тонкий шоколадный бисквит без муки хрустящий слой из карамели и грецких орехов нежное желе из банана и лайма карамель кофейная намелака шоколадный мусс. Декор: глазурь шоколад орехи. Диаметр - 14см. Recipe by @hans_ovando - tarta chocolate banana caramelo. This cake is delicious! I've made it 4 times in one week :) Thank you @hans_ovando so much for fresh taste. by hans_ovando
Cookie Moss Cake
Moss Cake | how to make edible moss from sugar cookie dough | by Carrie Sellman for TheCakeBlog.com