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24 Pins
45 Inspirational Sea Shell Craft DIY Ideas - Greenorc
Collect the beach findings and learn the inspirational sea shell craft DIY ideas to convert them into innovative decorative pieces. They look marvelous,
Incrível Vaso de Tecido e Cimento, Muito Fácil de Fazer! - YouTube
Incrível Vaso de Tecido e Cimento, Muito Fácil de Fazer! - YouTube
Useful Cement Hacks For Every Day Situations
Useful Cement Hacks For Every Day Situations // Here are some of the cool and useful cement hacks and DIYs I’ve collected over on the Gram. I will be posting more as I discover them. Enjoy! #crafts #DIY
Cedar Key Plant Ware Haute Couture! We take the time to choose them, we feed them, we water them, and we talk to them. So why not dress them up with Cedar Key Plant Ware. We will be up and selling by March 15, 2016.
Tablecloth dipped in concrete and hung over suitable bucket /table! (via Linda Nordström, återbruka mera)
Betoniin hurahtaneet
Olen monena kesänä tehnyt betoniruukkuja, ja jälleen on se aika, kun kurahommat kutsuu. Niinpä halusin jakaa nämä ohjeet teille lukijoille. Tämä on niin mukavaa ja terapeuttista hommaa, että meinaa…
How to make cement pot at home || homemade cement pot
How to make cement pot at home || homemade cement pot - YouTube