
25 Pins
The Far East
Plants encroach on the ruins of a subterranean mosque in the Tamansari, a park built by the first Muslim sultan of Yogyakarta. The city was the royal capital of Java. The World Monument Fund and the people of Yogykarta are now working together to restore this treasure.
The Most Beautiful Abandoned Spaces - Caroline in the City Travel Blog
Children's nursery abandoned after Chernobyl meltdown. Pripyat 2011.
We Heart It
Old library ~ oh, I could have fun in there! I'd keep the furnishings for sure!
Abandoned Castle | Walter Arnold Photography - The Art of Abandonment
AT ODDS artwork
Web Page Under Construction
The grand staircase - I can just picture it in its grandeur. Great site with beautiful decaying architecture.
AnMa's World/AnMa ZiNe
Photography by Andre Govia
I imagine this used to be a grand staircase.
Ghost Writer - Abandoned Chapel in France.
l'autre aperçu
I LOVE THIS...beautiful. I want to be right there! Abandoned
Abandoned ... I Love this ❤️
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