Crochet tips

31 Pins
Crochet Hook Sizes and Abbreviations (US and UK Terminology)
The most useful chart any crocheter can have! Crochet Hook Sizes (US, UK and metric) and Crochet Terminology (US and UK). I use the crochet hook chart ALL the time when designing. Printer-friendly version available (both as an image and as a PDF). #crochethook #crochet #crochetterminology
PASSO A PASSO 1. Primeiro vamos fazer o mini pompom. Pegue o garfo e enrole a lã mais grossa envolta, como na imagem. Quanto mais voltas no garfo, mais fofinho fica seu pompom. Quando terminar corte. 2. Pegue a linha mais final e corte um pedaço dela. Passe no meio do garfo, de forma que abrace a lã enrolada e dê um nó. 3. Vire e dê mais um nós do outro lado. Retire do garfo. 4. Pegue a tesoura e corte os dois lados. Seu pompom já está tomando forma. 5. Apare as pontinhas para que seu mini p...
Crocheting in the Round and Stitch Counts-A Chart for the Mathematical Crochet-er
Crochet in the round dtitch chart ☂ᙓᖇᗴᔕᗩ ᖇᙓᔕ☂ᙓᘐᘎᓮ
How to make the Foundation Single Crochet - YouTube ༺✿ƬⱤღ✿༻
Crochet Cheat Sheet
Lovin' this great #Crochet Cheat Sheet from Oombawka Design
Still Trying to Customize Hat Sizes
Hat sizing chart Age (Diameter of circle) Newborn (4 in) 3-6 months (5.5 in) 9-12 months (6-6.5 in) 24months (6.5-6.75in) Toddler/Sm Child (7-7.5in) Adult Woman (8in) Age (Finished Length) Newborn (5in) 3-6months (6-6.5in) 9-12 months (7in) 24months (7-7.5in) Toddler/Sm Child (8-8.5in) Adult Woman(8.5-9in) Large Adult (10in)
MyCrochetRus to create our crochet patterns. Ohhh...! Program 4 designing squares, doilies, lace! I didn't know!
Handy Size Charts
Cats-Rockin-Crochet Free Crochet Patterns: Handy Size Charts
30+ Crochet Patterns By Hook Size (6 Best Hooks!)
Crochet Hook Size Chart Great Info from All Free Crochet ༺✿ƬⱤღ✿༻