
68 Pins
goldteefthief Неприятная куча мусора, нет красоты в таком виде разрушения (хотя на самом деле есть, но не та, что я бы хотела визуализировать сейчас)
I would definitely use something like this for my music video, i love the idea of an abandoned building and the mystery behind it. I would use low key lighting if i included a an abandoned building in my video.
music wild that has no sound from keys that will no longer play
Chateau de l’écolière (FR) by Juized, via Flickr
The abandoned Château de Carnelle (Castle Franconville) is located on the edge of the forest Carnelle, in the Ile de France region of France. Built in 1875 and the castle was finally closed in 1992.
Urban ruins: 35 hauntingly beautiful photos of abandoned and forgotten hotels - Blog of Francesco Mugnai
Bowling pins in an abandoned hotel (Photo by Karen Newman)
Wheelchair in asylum D
Wheelchair in asylum D (UK). The place closed down in the late 1990s, at a age of 150 By [AndreasS] via flickr