30th anniversary of Canada's beloved, one-dollar coin

Happy Birthday to the Loonie! We're celebrating the 30th anniversary of Canada's beloved, one-dollar coin with some cool facts. #Loonie30
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The Loonie has had 18 different reverse commemorative designs since it launched in 1987. How many have you kept? Find out more about Canada's one-dollar coin: http://bit.ly/2sOqIi3
Did you know that the Mint has produced 1.3+ billion Loonies since the coin was introduced in 1987? Side by side, all of the Loonies ever minted could span across Canada’s entire National Highway System! That’s more than 37 000 kilometres. Learn more about Canada's one-dollar coin: http://bit.ly/2sOqIi3
Canada has one of THE most secure coins in the world! The maple leaf mark you see on every Loonie (dated 2012 to present) is etched by laser! #CanadianMint #SecureMoney #Loonie30
Inside your Loonie: In 2012, the Mint made technological improvements to the Loonie, making it one of the most secure coins in the world. Learn more about the Loonie: http://bit.ly/2sOqIi3
Canada's beloved Loonie turned 30 in 2017! #Loonie30