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Inspiration: Outdoor Living Spaces — Rachel Balmforth
Inspiration: Outdoor Living Spaces More
Adirondack Architecture - Romeo & Giulietta's Hideaway Inn
Oh, I love this! Maybe on top of a mountain......he he....kind of like a garage door window in the kitchen...right Rosie
MORE Family Collection
A luxury lodge tucked into the mountain side with 5 luxurious Eco-Suites. The perfect home base for high impact Big Five walking trails in the Marakele Park
These 10 Incredible Pools Are What Dreams Are Made Of
Just as winter wouldn't be winter without at least one snowy daydream of skiing down some slopes, summer wouldn't be summer without lazy thoughts of lounging by a gorgeous pool. And no one knows this...
Vista desde fuera no esperas espacios tan diáfanos y luminosos… De esas veces en las que tradicional y vanguardia conviven en armonía, sacando incluso lo mejor de sí. Donde paredes de ladrillo llenas de historia lucen fantásticas al lado de mobiliario actual y de líneas depuradas. Vigas de hierro y madera; acero y cristal. En esta casa centenaria situada …