Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through Your Twenties
They say your twenties are the best years of your life; the years of dreams, the years of youth and the years of growth. #motivation #inspiration #quotes
I fell madly in love with the KING of narcissists. He is my twin personality wise really. I guess that would make me the QUEEN. Lol
General: You likely know someone like this... (image heavy)
For me it was a fellow pinner's pin that was my aha moment. I then started my…
Still struggling with accepting the whole relationship was a lie. JPL was a smooth operator. I believed his words because he was a Christian man. How can someone pray with you daily and turn around and betray you and try to destroy you??
Nothing ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. Poetry making the blood beautiful.
.well at least you stopped passing out, or are you still doing that as well just saying baby❤❤❤❤❤
20 Text Messages Your Husband Will Love
20 Text Messages Your Husband Will Love|Free Printable|Husband|Marriage Idea|Married Life
5 Love Languages dos and donts – I love the 5 languages of love – it helped Paul and I understand each other for sure!
5 Love Languages dos and donts - I love the 5 languages of love - it helped Paul and I understand each other for sure!