Easter crafts & games

Easter crafts and fun games for children, also Easter decorations for your classroom
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Washi tape Easter eggs! suitable for children above 6 years old and easier if you provide them with scissors
Easter egg tossing game! All you need is: an assortment of plastic eggs, two buckets & some string. Hang the buckets from a tree & put the eggs in a container. Separate kids into 2 teams & have them pick an egg, run to their bucket & throw the egg in their bucket! The winning team is the one that has filled their bucket. Also count the eggs as the game is finished so they can practice counting too!
Easter egg hunting & sorting by colour game! This egg-citing game is really simple but fun! Materials needed: Easter eggs in different colours, baskets/containers or egg cartons. Separate kids into teams and allocate a colour to each team. Then hide all the eggs & have them find them & put them in the corresponding container!
Shaving foam eggs & bunnies! Really simple but kids love the effect!
Easter chickens! really easy plastic cup chickens craft
Easter chick craft on air-wood, a really simple craft for toddlers & preschoolers
These are beautiful & simple Easter cards to make with your class