
10 Pins
, Adorable Contemporary Kids With Plywood Furniture For Unique Bed And Staircase With Drawers Also Natural Floorboards Color Also Adorable Table For Playing With Small Green Stool Also White Teddy Bear: Plywood Walls as Natural Tastes
Пространство в доме, которое вы не используете
Пространство в доме, которое вы не используете 9
fazer um projeto onde pareça que ela é só essa parte de cima mas na verdade o resto do colchão está nesse buraco.
Bedroom Design Idea - Place Your Bed On A Raised Platform
BEDROOM DESIGN IDEA - Place Your Bed On A Raised Platform // This sleeping area has been separated from the rest of the space by being placed on a platform and partially enclosed by raised wood edges.
The Tiny Project: Alek & Anjali's Completed Tiny House
Tiny House loft: The Tiny Project: Alek & Anjali’s Completed Tiny House
Ant House by mA-style architects | Dezeen
Plywood interior, I like the concept of the closet, storage area, and what looks like a study area set just off of the bedroom, but is still connected to the room