
55 Pins
More Than A Gym on Instagram: "Don’t let the ball fall: a dual task challenge! Adding a second task to an activity, such as balancing a ball on a cone while negotiating equipment, challenges one’s balance, body awareness, attention, etc. ➡️ The goal is to carry over to functional situations such as carrying a lunch tray in a busy lunch room or tsafely ransferring school supplies around a classroom. #morethanagym #pediatricpt #pediatricphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapy #dualtask #grossmotor #grossmotorskills #grossmotorplay #grossmotordevelopment #balance #kids #kidsactivities #parenting #longislandmoms" Occupational Therapy Balance Activities, Balance Exercises For Kids, Balance Activities For Kids, Body Awareness Activities, Pediatric Physical Therapy Activities, School Based Therapy, Lunch Tray, Coordination Activities, Occupational Therapy Kids
More Than A Gym on Instagram: "Don’t let the ball fall: a dual task challenge! Adding a second task to an activity, such as balancing a ball on a cone while negotiating equipment, challenges one’s balance, body awareness, attention, etc. ➡️ The goal is to carry over to functional situations such as carrying a lunch tray in a busy lunch room or tsafely ransferring school supplies around a classroom. #morethanagym #pediatricpt #pediatricphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapy #dualtask #grossmotor #grossmotorskills #grossmotorplay #grossmotordevelopment #balance #kids #kidsactivities #parenting #longislandmoms"
a young boy playing with an exercise ball in a play room at the children's hospital
More Than A Gym on Instagram: "Loaded activity! Core strengthening through crossing midline, trunk rotation, lateral bending…grasp with and hand strength with tweezers… visual perceptual skills through scanning and color matching! #morethanagym #pediatricot #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #pediot #peanutball #matching #coreworkout #trunkrotation #tweezers #grasp #handstrength #crossingthemidline #visualperception"
Shoulder girdle strengthening and midline crossing!
Ενδυνάμωση ωμικής ζώνης και πέρασμα μέσης γραμμής!
Atividade para trabalhar musicalização, coordenação e sincronia
📌SEM TEMPO PARA PLANEJAR SUAS AULAS? 📌📚Obtenha acesso a planejamentos e atividades editáveis desde Ed. Infantil até o 5º ano! Basta acessar este pin!
Atividade com cones e bolas
Atividade de agilidade e precisão com cones e bolas 🔴🟡 Professora quer ter acesso à planejamentos anuais editáveis em Word de acordo com os códigos da BNCC? Planejamentos+atividades do berçário ao 9º ano!🎯 CLIQUE JÁ NO LINK DA BIO! Reposted from @murvet_karakuyugitmis #educacaoinfantil #educacaoinclusiva #pedagogiaporamor #musicalizacaoinfantil #pedagogia #alfabeto #professoreducacaoinfantil #escolas #ensinofundamental #psicomotricidade #jardimdeinfancia #educacao #atividades
Standing Pool Noodle Game * ages 4+ ⋆ Raising Dragons