
225 Pins
DIY Macrame Mini Spiral Bracelet Step by Step
Imágenes sacadas del video tutorial completo para la pulsera espiral mini y fácil tejida con hilo que está publicado paso a paso en youtube. #macrame #bracelet #micromacrame #tejido #manualidad #micromacramebracelet #handmade #tejidoamano #friendshipbracelet #pulsera #brazalete
Video Tutorial On A Popsicle Stick Miniature Chair
Would you like to expand your fairy garden or your dollhouse exterior? Why not try popsicle sticks to create a miniature lounge chair, plus an umbrella attached? I have a new video out that helps you with instructions! So what do you need? : - Popsicle sticks - a black pencil ...- a crafting knife - sandpaper - a compass (to draw a circle) - cardboard - crafting glue - skewer sticks - a plastic straw That's it! Please just follow the instructions of the video