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24 Pins
Surprised Little Owl by HouseofChabrier on DeviantArt
"Surprised Little Owl" par Anne E. Shoemaker-Magdaleno (HouseofChabrier)
All About Owls Series
Solve All About Owls Series jigsaw puzzle online with 120 pieces
Where is Jurgen Doe? by HouseofChabrier on DeviantArt
11" X 14" Pencil Drawing on Oatmeal Canson Scrapbook Paper of a very unhappy lion based on the photograph taken by the adventurous, and traveling *Sooper-Deviant who so graciously allows artists to...
Как они это делают???
Как они это делают??? | Древология | Яндекс Дзен
Tucuquere (Bubo magellanicus)
Tucúquere (Bubo magellanicus) de la familia Strogidae. Habita desde el centro de 'Perú hacia el sur. Ocupa roqueríos y bosques. Es el Buho más grande del país (43/47), presentan dimorfismo sexual leve (la hembra es más grande)