57 Pins
Our words become our children’s inner voice. What we choose to see and what we say will be their story too. How much of what we believe…
Parenting-tips - Dr Drobyn Silverman
How To Teach Your Children Respect--Dr. Robyn Silverman Powerful Words #drrobyn #parenting #infographic
The more children do for themselves, the more capable and encouraged they feel. One of the best ways to avoid bedtime hassles and morning hassles is to get children involved in creating routine charts and then letting them follow their charts instead of telling them what to do.
This Page Does Not Exist - Rookie Parenting
CRETE DAY 2- Another colored chart describing the difference between discipline and punishment. Reactive vs. proactive
VALIDATE FEELINGS - A Positive Discipline Tool Card
Positive Discipline: VALIDATE FEELINGS - A Positive Discipline Tool Card blog.positivediscipline.com
Positive Discipline
How much will screen time play a role in your child’s weekend?
Motivation - A Positive Discipline Tool Card
Please sign and share our petition to stop corporal punishment! http://www.causes.com/actions/1754466-tell-marion-county-school-board-teach-us-dont-beat-us
Hugs: A Positive Discipline Tool Card
Positive Discipline: Hugs: A Positive Discipline Tool Card
Positive Discipline: Parenting Tool Cards
Small Steps
Positive Discipline: Small Steps
Got Milk
Practice follow through!!! Its tough at first but it is so much better when you say what you mean and mean what you say...
Powerful Words Character Development
How To Build Up Confidence In Your Children #powerfulwords #drrobyn