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48 Pins
.....μωρέ πόσο δίκαιο έχει...άτε τώρα να τους το πεις!!!!
Productivity - LifeHack
An econ teacher gave his senior high school students his personal list of wisest words....and they make a lot of sense.
Inspirational Quotes #InspirationalQuotes #Inspirational #Quotes
If you only focus on the problem...
Growth Mindset Memes: English: If you only focus on the problem...
Signature School Products Blog - 20 Inspirational Quotes for Educators
20 Inspirational Quotes for Educators #quotes #teachers
The mysterious case of the disappearing pencils:
They'll never know.
This is close to my mantra: Those who can do; those who can't teach; those who can't teach become administrators! ;)
8 Honest and Prodding Teacher Political Memes - Teach Junkie
Teach Junkie - 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions
My life in a nutshell - just turned 24 yet I feel far older than I should -_-'
Has this ever happened to you?
Teacher Humor/Jokes.Turning into Dora the Explorer
“Q & A Collections: Classroom Management Advice”
“Q & A Collections: Classroom Management Advice”