FEAR has 2 meanings .... "Forget everything and run" or "Face everything and rise" ... The choice is yours. Zig Ziglar
Δε ξέρεις τι σου φυλά η Ζωή...
Αγγίγματα Ψυχής...: Δε ξέρεις τι σου φυλά η Ζωή...
Poster for Action for Happiness
Unfortunately we don't have control over all things, but we can control the way we think about the world. We are the creators of our own reality and perceptions can influence our reality. If we choose to perceive the world with a positive view, often even bad situations will seem less detrimental because of our hopeful outlook.
Aspa Online
Να συμπεριφέρεσαι σε ένα παιδί σαν να είναι ήδη ο άνθρωπος που είναι ικανό να γίνει.
Be the color to someone’s gray.
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"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an Artist." Pablo Picasso