Writing Tips

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How to create an unsettling atmosphere in your story
Inside a Writer's Mind
ryciera: “tenoko1: “ evildorito: “ onewordtest: “ trikruwriter: “ “This is your daily, friendly reminder to use commas instead of periods during the dialogue of your story,” she said with a...
Account Suspended
It is Month 4 in the Year of 30-Day Challenges. This month is all about writing as I write a novel for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). #writing #nanowrimo #yearof30daychallenges #30daychallenge #novel
2018.7.9 ・ 《湖がある街》 ・ アンティークの箱の中に湖がある街の景色を作りました。 ・ 夏の彩りの草花、湖の青・・小さな箱の中に詰められた世界をお楽しみください。 ・ #ミニチュア #ミニチュアハウス #miniature #miniaturehouse #小さい #雑貨 #手作り #handmade #doll #手作り雑貨 #ガーデン #ジオラマ #ドールハウス #dollhouse #mini #ハンドメイド #シャビー #ヤフオク #湖 #街並み #アンティーク
Intellezy tips
Make your resume stand out with these power verbs. #resumetip #gotthejob #resumewriting #millennials #resumewriting #interviewing #jobchange #writingtips #success #professionalism
250 Lifehacks and Clever Ideas that Will Make Your Life Easier
Lifehacks are great. They help you to get things done and get them done quickly. We have a collection of 78 lifehacks that are easy and will help you to save loads of time. Whether you want a quick way to iron down a shirt collar, need to know how to fold a fitted bed sheet, want a...