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➰in progress macrame dreamcatcher .. 서서히 꽃잎모양이 만들어지는 중🌸 .. .. #마타타마크라메#마크라메정규반 #수강생작품#드림캐쳐작업중 #마타타는#주말에도#풀가동 #마타타로#피서오세요😎
69.6k Followers, 298 Following, 1,211 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from E L S I E G O O D W I N (@reformfibers)
How to Add Layers to Your Work // Hi friends. Here is one way to add Layers to your work. Simply add a piece of rope using the Larks…
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Add bohemian style for your home! This beautiful macramé wall hanging was made by hand from cotton cord. Triangles - 3D are my exclusive design for this piece. It looks perfectly at both sides. This piece adds texture and interest to any room! You can hang it on a window, door, above a
tatting Search on Indulgy.com
Patterns of macrame. From the public domain book "Complete guide to the work-table : containing instructions in Berlin work, crochet, drawn-thread work, embroidery, knitting, knotting or macrame, lace, netting, poonah painting, & tatting, with numerous illustrations and coloured designs (1884)." by jane
How to Make a Sharp "V" or point with Diagonal Clove Hitch Knots. // I've seen students struggle with this and hopefully this video explains it well. Feel free to ask me questions on it. // This video shows 6 cords at 8 feet each. Since folded in half and attached using the Larks Head Knot there are now 12 cords; 1-12 from left to right. For the sake of time, I tied a few rows of knots, which I'll explain how to do below. Remember, you re-number the cords after each row is complete. // Step...
Can You Really Train A Cat? Is It Worth The Trouble?
Learn how to tie four must-know knots essential to macrame. #catsdiycave
Learn three basic macrame knots. That's all you need to be able to create stunning wall hangings. Macrame knots are easy:-)
Macramé Forever! - Think.Make.Share.
Macrame Forever | thinkmakeshareblog.com