FREE Christmas Phone Wallpaper | Love and Specs
Fun (and free!) Holiday & Winter Phone Wallpapers
Recipe: Cucumber-Rosemary Gin and Tonic
Serve one of Christian's favorite drinks, a Hendrick's and tonic, at your #FiftyShades party. | Fifty Shades of Grey | In Theaters Valentine's Day
In the black, there is some white. In the wrong, there is some right. In the dark, there is some light. In the blind, there is some sight. @cutyourhair
Ég er mikið spurð út í hárið á mér & hvort að það sé ekki erfitt að gera eitthvað í það eins & liði, krullur, spennur, fléttur & svo framvegis. Þessar spurningar sem vakna hjá fólki ger…
26 ombre brown hair from darker to lighter shades - Styleoholic
26 ombre brown hair from darker to lighter shades - Styleoholic