Ancient wisdom

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The Greeks really do have near-mythical origins, ancient DNA reveals
The Greeks really do have near-mythical origins, ancient DNA reveals | Science | AAAS
Πόλεμοι στην Ευρώπη ξανά και ξανά; • Fractal
“Εγκώμιο στο Θρασύμαχο” ή περί “δικαιοσύνης” • Fractal
Why Algorithms Are Called Algorithms, and How It All Goes Back to the Medieval Persian Mathematician Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
Largest ever family tree of humanity reveals our species' history
A genealogy of humans constructed from thousands of genomes gives us clues about where our species first evolved and how we spread across the world
How did Neanderthals and other ancient humans learn to count?
Archaeological finds suggest that people developed numbers tens of thousands of years ago. Scholars are now exploring the first detailed hypotheses about this life-changing invention.
Ancient Greece’s Army of Lovers
Comprising a hundred and fifty male couples, Thebes’s Sacred Band was undefeated until it was wiped out in 338 B.C. In the nineteenth century, the mass grave of the men was found.
The Charioteer |Myth | Delphi
Ancient sculptures exhibited in museums are striking for the dominance of pure white marble. But these are only copies of true Greek masterpieces. The originals looked completely different.
Ancient Greece’s Army of Lovers
Comprising a hundred and fifty male couples, Thebes’s Sacred Band was undefeated until it was wiped out in 338 B.C. In the nineteenth century, the mass grave of the men was found.
What Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ can teach us about reentering the world after a year of isolation
A scholar of Greek literature writes why we need to turn to the past to understand the present – and the lessons that Homer's hero, Odysseus, holds for us.