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Doug The Pug - “‪Wanna watch Christmas movies and snuggle all day?‬” -Doug | Facebook
If he doesn’t respond to your texts. But decides to text you at 10pm telling you how gorgeous you are, Do not respond. If he tells you he misses you, and he still loves you even though he’s only hurt you time and time again, nod and walk away. If he says he likes you a lot, but won’t commit, cut him off and move on.   If he made you cry, yet again. Don’t let him do it another time. Don’t waste your time on boys who only use you when it’s convenient for them. Do not give them that convenience. You are not 7/11, you’re a human who truly deserves to be valued and respected. Know when to cut him off, and move forward, and focus your time onto something beneficial for you. You really deserve that. Know your worth, add taxes and don’t give any discounts. If he wants you, he’ll sweep you up without a second thought, and treat you the way you deserve.