Projects to Try

27 Pins
What do sugary drinks do to your teeth?
Most kids love fruit juices and soda - this easy, fun, and simple DIY kids science experiment shows you what those things are doing to your teeth!
Turn Milk into Plastic! - How Wee Learn
Did you know you could turn milk into plastic? I didn’t. I had no idea! I did know that you can turn cream into butter, which is just what I was planning on doing with my Kindergarteners last week. There I was armed with gallons of cream (which as it turns out was waaaay more...Read More »
DIY Hack to Make A Water Bottle Lava Lamp
Make A Water Bottle Lava Lamp
Tutorial: DIY Geodes » Dollar Store Crafts
Tutorial: DIY Geodes To make beautiful geodes in your own kitchen you need more patience and time than anything else! Here is the basic recipe to start you off in the world of beautiful geodes.
20+ Kitchen Science Experiments for Kids
Make naked eggs and see how they change in different liquids. The results may surprise you! The naked egg eggsperiment is a fantastic first lesson in biology for kids.
Shaving Cream Rain Clouds
These shaving cream rain clouds were a fun, easy and beautiful activity to do with kids. Watch as the "rain" falls down from the clouds!
How to Make a Tornado in a Jar
This tornado in a jar experiment is crazy simple, but it's SO COOL to watch! It takes less than five minutes to put together. Easiest science lesson ever!
Science for Kids: Magic Dancing Rice Experiment
Dancing rice experiment for kids. Make rice dance like magic in this super simple kitchen science experiment from Green Kid Crafts...
How to Make Bouncing Bubbles That Won’t Pop for Sensory Play
Thing you need:1 C distilled drinking water1 Tablespoon dish soap1 Teaspoon of glycerin (I ordered mine online)straw (this is just what I chose to blow the bubbles with, Im assuming you can use a typical bubble wand)1 clean glove (or sock) - (this is to keep the bubble from popping)MIX ALL INGREDIENTS TOGETHER AND LET SIT FOR 24 HOURS
Foam Dough = Shaving Cream + Corn Starch
KID CRAFT: Foam Dough! Easy to make and only 2 ingredients!