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Organic Creatures Crafted from Plastic Cable Ties by Sui Park — Colossal
Organic Creatures Crafted from Plastic Cable Ties by Sui Park
In his installation, Reverse of volume RG, Yasuaki Onishi uses the simplest materials — plastic sheeting and black hot glue — to create a monumental, mountainous form that appears to float in space. The process that he calls “casting the invisible” involves draping the plastic sheeting over stacked cardboard boxes, which are then removed to leave only their impressions. This process of “reversing” sculpture is Onishi’s meditation on the nature of the negative space, or void, left behind.
As incríveis esculturas de madeira de Cha Jong-Rye.
O escultor Cha Jong-Rye utiliza madeira como matéria-prima para suas obras, ele amplia todos os limites deste material criando peças inc...