★ Disney ★

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M O M E N T S [ I N ] S Q U A R E S
“Because I’m a lady, that’s why." - Inspired by a t-shirt at Disneyland Tokyo if I’m remembering correctly:) And yes, the bow is real! by mindy_darling http://ift.tt/1d2ZHza
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Little girl is living the dream. (the last one melted my heart). The last one! Im dead!!
Tinkerbell Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter
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Disney Princesses 2 - from DeviantArt. In line: Alice, Cinderella, Jane, Pocahontas, Snow White, Tinkerbell, Eilonwy, Lottie and Kida. Much more beautiful things to see!
Disney Princess Inspired Nails - Hairspray and Highheels
I love the Cinderella and Aurora nails. However, I would do Aurora in blues because I liked her better in the blue than in pink.