
332 Pins
Jordan Hale on Instagram: "4th Grade created clay “Wonderland” Pocket Watches!! ⏱️ a mash-up lesson inspired by Salvador Dali’s melted clocks and the white rabbit’s pocket watch. Instead of glaze, we used metallic acrylic paint! . . . #wonderland #clock #pocketwatch #metallic #artclass #artday #arteducation #artteacher #artteacherofig #ilovemyjob #iamateacher #elementaryartteacher #artlessons #kidscreate #primaryart #art #artlife #artteacherlife #elementaryart #elementary #creative #education #educator #arteducation #iteachart #teachersofinstagram #artsy #teachart #ElementaryArtEducation #teacherlife #artteachersofinstagram"
Les fourmis créatives
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Dali Melting Clocks
Use Your Coloured Pencils: Dali Melting Clocks
Salvador Dali - Melting Clocks — Ninabel Designs
Salvador Dali - Melting Clocks — Ninabel Designs
Salvador's Clock, Bill Haley's Clock, and the Fifth Grade Clocks!
Time for Salvador Dali clocks in 5th Grade
Salvador Dali - Melting Clocks — Ninabel Designs
Salvador Dali - Melting Clocks — Ninabel Designs
Salvador Dali - Melting Clocks — Ninabel Designs
This project was inspired by Salvador Dali’s painting The Persistence of Memory. While I worked on these with my kids, we talked about surrealism and imagination. The info sheet on Dali is at the bottom of the post. This project was a little bit harder than the others I’ve posted and younger kids