108 Pins
WoW... Absolute Beauty ~ Ajoite Quartz Ajoite emits the loving energy of the Goddess and of Mother Gaia, aiding sweet loving communication with Spirit and the Angels. It often occurs in quartz and is a lovely emotionally supportive stone, especially for women. @ www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/ajoite.html Crystal Healing: Ajoite @ www.universallifetools.com/2013/04/crystal-healing-ajoite/
Mixed African Minerals
Ajoite in Quartz from Messina Mine, Transvaal, South Africa / Mineral Friends <3
Rare Limonite coated Quartz - Slovakia / Mineral Friends <3
Crystal color
Ajoite quartz crystal cluster
Medusa Phantom Quartz 11.10.08
Quartz & Hematite phantoms (rare) ex Obodda Coll. | Lupoto Mine, Kolwezi District, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo
Open-side "tent" of bright sparkly green Chlorite sits on rust-red dendritic hematite in this rare Phantom Quartz. From Lupoto Mine, Kolwezi District, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo
Crystals & Stones - Rocks & Minerals | Throwin Stones
4.3 inch AA QUARTZ with EPIDOTE, HEMATITE, & PIEMONTITE from Messina Mine, Limpopo Province, South Africa 5260
Photographs of mineral No. 20426: Quartz with Phantom from Minas Gerais, Brazil
Quartz with Phantom from Minas Gerais, Brazil. / Mineral Friends <3
Minerals Passion - Green phantom from Brazil Image : John Bett | Facebook
Green phantom from Brazil Image : John Bett
bijoux-et-mineraux: Smoky Quartz with Rutile and Hematite inclusions - Brazil