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Datz really cute lol ughh just had a dream that I lost her.. like physically lost her and couldn't find her.. looking everywhere for her and didn't wanna stop ever! And then it turns out that she was just in the bathroom forever but her being gone just killed me ☹️ missing hard rn.. #missingalotttt haven't seen her anf talked for like a week XP can't wait for Wednesday.. I can tell her everything I wanna say
"Hey you will you help me to carry the stone, open your heart, I'm coming ho..., #darksideofthemoon #pinkfloyd #pinkfloydalbumcovers #pinkfloydalbums #pinkfloydanimals #pinkfloydcomfortablynumb #pinkfloydechoes #pinkfloydmeddle #pinkfloydmembers #pinkfloydpulse #pinkfloydsongs #pinkfloydthedarksideofthemoon #pinkfloydthedivisionbel #pinkfloydthewall #pinkfloydwishyouwerehere #rogerwaters #sydbarrett #timepinkfloyd
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Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here I just died and went to heaven! This is my favorite song!!!!!