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22 Pins
40+ Diy Dollar Store Crafts Projects
DIY Toddler activity-Velcro Lego! Dollar store craft blocks and velcro dots! $2 total cost. Awesome for plane rides!
Easy Science Experiments for Kids: Gravity Activity with Paperclips
STEM for Kids: Two fun science experiments for exploring gravity and magnetism! (Perfect for preschoolers, kindergarten, first grade and up!) Meets NGSS. ~ BuggyandBuddy.com
Graphite Circuit
Graphite Circuit DIY. Can you complete an LED circuit using a graphite pencil? Learn about the conductive properties of graphite and draw your own design to see it light up! This is a super quick and easy science experiment that is entertaining for both kids and adults alike.
Homemade Wigglebot - A First 'Robot'
Homemade Wigglebot - A First Robot for Kids - ResearchParent.com. science, STEM
Black History Highlights!
Mrs. Tabb @ First Grade Awesomeness: african american inventors, cute lesson to sketch an invention, build it, and apply for a patent!
How to Make a Play Telephone
How to Make a Play Telephone in 7 Steps. Remember when life was simple and we talked on play phones. Who needs fancy gadgets? Kids had it all figured out years ago.
Great Innovators: "Marconi and the Radio," by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
Great Innovators: "Marconi and the Radio," by StoryBots - YouTube (and other innovators)
Muffin Stories - Albert Einstein
Muffin Stories - Albert Einstein | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables | muffin songs - YouTube
Not-A-Box Inventions
Not-A-Box Inventions: Invent Me anchor chart for American Contributors Common Core unit. thefirstgraderoundup.blogspot.com
How to Train Your Dragon | Official Franchise Site | DreamWorks | DreamWorks
Paper Cup Telephone - Printable Science Activities
2.5K views · 40 reactions | "Defying" Gravity with Magnets- Science for Kids | Science for Kids: EXPLORE MAGNETISM'S AFFECT ON GRAVITY IN THIS SUPER COOL SCIENCE EXPERIMENT from Buggy and Buddy: Science, Crafts, and Activities for... | By Buggy and Buddy: Science, Crafts, and Activities for Kids | Facebook
STEM / Science for Kids: Explore how magnets affect gravity in this science and engineering activity for children involving magnetism! (Video tutorial) ~ BuggyandBuddy.com #science #scienceforkids #stem