
555 Pins
7 Amazing Window Cleaning Hacks You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Use a sponge brush dipped in Pine-sol or white vinegar to clean your window tracks.
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11 Stunning Tile Ideas For Your Home
Beautiful and creative tile ideas for kitchen back splashes, master bathrooms, small bathrooms, patios, tub surrounds, or any room of the house!
Dag 3: Ljushus av papper – Day 3: Tea light paper houses | Craft & Creativity – Pyssel & DIY
Tea light paper houses
Riesen-Joghurette Rezept: Scheiben,Butterkekse,Vollmilch-Kuvertüre,Zartbitter-Kuvertüre,Himbeeren,Gelatine,Sahne-Joghurt,Zucker,Vanillin-Zucker,Schlagsahne,Kokosfett,Backpapier,Klarsichthülle,Einmal-Spritzbeutel