Haircare DIY Home remedies

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Turn grey hairs into black
Get ready to go from grey to jet black in no time! Try out this homemade DIY remedy and enjoy healthy and luscious black hair! 🤩🙌🏻✨ #hair #haircare #hairgoals #greyhair #greyhairgrowout #turngreyintoblack #jetblackhair #jetblackhairdye #greyhairremedies #greyhairremedy #homemade #diyforgreyhair #naturalbeauty #naturalbeautyblogger #tribalcares
✨Combined benefit of the remedy-✨ 👉🏻It keeps the hair moisturised. 👉🏻 Strengthen hair roots, make hair strands thicker. 👉🏻It protects against microbes. 👉🏻Improves blood circulation to the scalp resulting in hair growth. 👉🏻Delays the process of greying . SAVE it if you found it helpful 📩🙌🏻😊
tribalcares on Instagram: "Why did I choose this topic ? 🤔 If you have Lice on your hairs then first you need to deal with this. You will always feel an irritated & itchy scalp, as a result of this you will face excess hair fall. So remove the cause first then GO for the remedy for your crowns. ✌🏻❤️ How to use each ingredient for removing lice eggs- ✅Neem oil- 🌿🌿🌿 Option 1- Oil your hairs with neem oil. Let it stay for 30 min. Use a nit comb to remove lice and then rinse hair thoroughly. Op
Top 3 Coconut Hair Mask
Coconut oil helps to grow hair longer by - moisturizing the hair and reducing breakage protecting hair from protein loss and damage when wet. protecting hair from environmental damage like wind, sun, and smoke. #hair #haircare #hairgoals #coconut #oil #coconutoilhair #coconutoilhairmask #coconutoilforhaircare #coconutoilforhairtreetment #coconutoilforhairloss #coconutoilforhairtreatment #coconutoilforhairconditioning #naturalbeautyblogger #natural #beauty #naturalbeautycare #tribalcares
tribalcares on Instagram: "Balding can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head. Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp. Hereditary hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness. One can treat them with this natural remedy. 👆👆👆 I like to mix ginger, onion and garlic paste to cure blad. It's so easy and you can use it for several weeks. SAVE if you found it helpful! 📩😊🙌🏻
tribalcares on Instagram: "✨Combined benefit of the remedy-✨ 👉🏻It keeps the hair moisturised. 👉🏻 Strengthen hair roots, make hair strands thicker. 👉🏻It protects against microbes. 👉🏻Improves blood circulation to the scalp resulting in hair growth. 👉🏻Delays the process of greying . SAVE it if you found it helpful 📩🙌🏻😊"
tribalcares on Instagram: "Hey fam ❤️ After some research I have jotted down some ingredients to add to your shampoo for your various hair related issues. Comment which one you have already tried before 🧑‍💻👩‍💻🥰 #Hair #shampoo #Haircare #addthesetoshampoo #hairgrow #hairgrowing #organichaircarebrand #shampooessential #prepoo #hairthickeing #hairdetox #strongerhairs #shinyhairs #splitends #tribalcares"
tribalcares on Instagram: "Do you want to have longer, healthier & faster hair growth ? If yes , then I have got some hacks for you! ✌🏻🙌🏻👯‍♀️ You need to READ & TRY out the above hacks for yourself. Comment which one best suits you 💕💬 SAVE & share with those who are in need! . . . . Follow #tribalcares #hair #haircare #hairgrowthhacks #hairgrowthhacksthatworks #fasterhairgrowth #hacksforfasterhairgrowth #haircareroutine #hairfall #healthyhair #hacks #volumehair #hairgrowth #beautytips #hai
tribalcares on Instagram: "Banish hair fall and grow healthy hair with this easy home remedy. I have got you 3 natural ingredients that will save your hair from the damage of pollution, stress and age. Hope you like this remedy 🙌🏻🤗 Save if you like it 📩🥂"
Tips for a Healthy Scalp
Tips for a Healthy Scalp
Difference between Plain Rice Water and Fermented Rice Water
Rice water is all the rage these days, but have you tried fermented rice water? Its fermented properties add so many benefits to your hair that regular rice water can't provide. Take your hair care to the next level and try fermented rice water today! SAVE if you found it helpful ! #hair #haircare #hairgoals #ricewater #ricewaterforhairgrowth #ricewaterforhair #fermentedricewater #fermentedricewaterforhair #difference #differencebetweenplainricewatervsfermented #plainricewater #naturalbeaut
Biotin shake for Permanent Hair Fall solution
Say goodbye to permanent hair fall with this delicious biotin shake! 😋 A simple and natural way to get those long and luscious locks you’ve always dreamed of. Double tap if you like it ! ❤️❤️ . . #hair #haircare #haircareroutine #naturalhair #biotin #biotinforhair #biotinforhairgrowth #biotindrink #biotindrinks #biotindrinkshake #organichairandskincare #naturalbeautyblogger #naturalbeautybloggers
tribalcares on Instagram: "When it comes to maintaining healthy hair, there are a few mistakes that we as people’ often make. I have jotted down some oiling mistakes that lead to hair fall. Remember to SAVE it as a reminder for not committing the same mistake again! 📩✌🏻🥰🙌🏻 Follow #tribalcares #hairoiling #oilinghair #hairoilingandcombing #hairproblems #hair #hairoilingbenefits #hairfall #hairoil #hairoiltreatment #hairfallcontrol #oiling #hairoilmassage #mistakes #hairoilingmistakes #strong
tribalcares on Instagram: "✨Benefits of individual ingredients- ✨ 🌷Castor oil- It increases blood flow to the scalp, which promotes healthier hair. It moisturizes a dry, irritated scalp. Castor oil's antibacterial and antifungal properties can reduce dandruff. 🌷Rosewater oil- It contains Carnosic acid which heals and rejuvenated the nerves in our scalp. It helps promote hair growth, it is also good to deal with problems like dandruff, dry or itchy scalp and premature graying. 🌷Olive oil - It
Balding can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head. Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp. Hereditary hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness. One can treat them with this natural remedy. 👆👆👆 I like to mix ginger, onion and garlic paste to cure blad. It's so easy and you can use it for several weeks. SAVE if you found it helpful! 📩😊🙌🏻