5 Easy Steps to Make French Lavender Sachets - Town & Country Living
5 Easy Steps to Make French Lavender Sachets - Town & Country Living
How to Make Lavender Essential Oil Extract
How to Make Lavender Essential Oil - crush the lavendar buds and flowers and then cover with vodka or grain alcohol. Let it sit for a few days. Run through a coffee filter and leave uncovered so that the alcohol evaporates then transfer to a dark jar so the sun won't degrade the essential oils.
33 DIY Ideas With Lavender
DIY Lavender Recipes and Project Ideas - Lavender Dryer Bags - Food, Beauty, Baking Tutorials, Desserts and Drinks Made With Fresh and Dried Lavender - Savory Lavender Recipe Ideas, Healthy and Vegan - DIY Projects and Crafts by DIY JOY
Lavender Oil to soothe your skin
Infusion Lavender oil soothes minor skin irritations and eczema. It is also suitable for mild burns, yeast infections or for insect bites. Lavender oil is present In various forms of home remedies such as salves, lip balms or massage oil. When mixed with water you can use infusion oil to fight with sunburn. #herbalism, #homeremedies, # Herbaldiy, #skincarerecipes, #herbalhealth #lavender #lavenderoil
How to Make Lavender Dryer Sachets - Town & Country Living
How to Make Lavender Dryer Sachets - Town & Country Living
How to Prune Lavender
Clean Your lavender up.... Once your lavender plant has had one year to establish itself, you will need to prune your lavender once a year. The best time to prune lavender is in the spring...prune off 1/3 of the plant. This will force the lavender to create new and more growth, which will not only keep the lavender bush from going woody, but will also help to increase the amount of lavender available for harvest later in the season.
Printable Red Polka Dot and Stripe Binder Cover
Free printable red polka dot and stripe binder cover template. Download the cover in JPG or PDF format at