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138 | Simple Quilt Blocks: Bento Box - The Quilting Company
Simple Quilt Blocks: Bento Box -- The bento box quilt block starts out the same as a courthouse steps block. On this episode of My First Quilt, Sara Gallegos talks about how to choose where to put prints and solids within that starting courthouse steps block for good contrast, then demonstrates how to cut those blocks in half and rejoin them to create bento box blocks.
Do you want to make this yellow brooch? LC.Pandahall.com will publish the tutorial soon.
Новый год.
Новогодние елочные игрушки своими руками из ниток. Рукоделие. Más
#Crochet_Tutorial - Freeform crochet tutorial with many more detailed pictures at the site.
Dicas pra Mamãe: PAP - Prendedor de cabelo para crianças
Как сделать ободок с розочками / Мастер-класс | Уроки вышивания лентами, Поделки из цветов, Тканевая лента
Cómo hacer una banda con clase rosas / Maestro:
DIY Poofy Felt Flowers