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30 Pins
Steffl - Renato Molnar
Innovative six pack bottle packaging design provides handle. Steffl label & package design by Renato Molnar
Project Love: Pablo & Rustys
Incorporate the bold type of your brand identity in take away packaging to make it easily identifiable from a distance.
43 Creative T Shirt Packaging Designs
43 Creative T Shirt Packaging Designs | iBrandStudio More
Vanilla - Mario Dragic
Vanilla identity packaging branding on Behance by Mario Dragic curated by Packaging Diva PD. A small food takeaway cafe where you can get great pancakes, sandwiches and salads.
20 Food Packaging Designs for Take Away Containers | Jayce-o-Yesta
20 Food Packaging Designs for Take Away Containers | Jayce-o-Yesta ^