
49 Pins
Easy Patchwork Sewing Project: Rice Pack
Use up some of your fabric scraps making this fun and easy rice pack! Tara Rex shows you how you can piece together this great sewing project to either use for yourself or give as a gift. Begin with the basics of patchwork, which as Tara shows is fairly simple, straight forward, and stress-free! Tara shows you how to get started putting pieces together to form strips, which then get turned into larger blocks to make up the front of the rice pack.
Books and patterns on quilting, sewing, knitting, crochet, and crafts.
A frustrated beginning quilter shares the light-bulb moment that changed her whole outlook on quilting. Click through to read her story—along with the advice she has for seasoned quilters.
50+ Easy Beginner Quilt Patterns & Free Tutorials | Polka Dot Chair
45 Quilt Patterns perfect for a beginning quilter- most of them are free!
Quilt Bag - Japanese patchwork. Picture Tutorial.
How to make tutorial Bag women sewing quilting. Japanese Patchwork. DIY Picture Tutorial. Сумка - Лоскутное шитье и квилтинг. Мастер класс по изготовлению. http://www.handmadiya.com/2015/09/quilt-bag-japanese-patchwork.html
How to Make Picture Quilts: Getting Started
Once I read Wendy Butler Berns' article about how to make picture quilts in Quilting Arts Magazine, I knew I had to give her technique a try.
so many things I live about this quilt by No hats in the house-- the scale, the lv, those kooky fish!
Tutorial on quickly assembling those tiny squares into perfect blocks--this is genius, I would never have touched a 2" square without seeing this, but they come out guaranteed to have all the corners match and are super quick. love this.
sew much fun
Dot Quilt - if you need to applique circles for a project, this method is excellent to ensure they come out neatly every time.