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Amanda Patterson
Synonyms (Also, snigger for laughing.)
Stop using the same old words ~ the dictionary gives you a myriad of choices. POTTER AND FINCH
Language Learning Base
Very Good Words That Are Very Capable of Replacing “Very” - learn English,vocabulary,very,english
Look very seriously (and literately) into any dictionary, thesaurus, or even your basic word finder and look up the word PHOBIA. 1.A strong fear or aversion(dislike). 2. Persistent fear of a specific object, activity,or situation leading to a compelling desire to avoid it [extracted from nouns ending in -phobia]. One common phobia in the world is NOT in on the list: Gymnophobia (n). A fear of being (or seeing others)naked; Gymno, the Greek word for nude/naked + phobia,a strong fear or aversion