Living at the Beach

Inspiration for a small hide out down by the Sea!
165 Pins
Driftwood Chalkboard Sign
Driftwood Chalkboard Sign by Oceanswept on Scoutmob Shoppe
Driftwood Bookends, Drift Wood Bookends, Driftwood Cornwall UK
Driftwood Bookends, Drift Wood Bookends, Driftwood Cornwall UK £28.00
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Driftwood table - small driftwood side-table/wine-table/coffee-table/foot stool/ or stand made of Maui driftwood. $44.95, via Etsy.
Zara Home New Collection | Official Site
Teaspoons with Conch Handle | ZARA HOME Andorra
40 Diy Driftwood inspiration ideas | My desired home
40 DIY: Driftwood inspiration ideas
The witch by the sea may collect her tools from the sea itself, she may grow aquatinted with the rare and beautiful spirits of the sea and share a bond with the animal inhabitants within. She may work her knot magic with the ropes and nets she scavenges from the water, she may have no need of the divination mirror, for she has the stillness of the tide-pool to gaze into..... - oh to live by the sea...
Some Insights on Editing... | Sharing the Journey
drift wood heart
Craftaholics Anonymous® | Free Summer Printable &
I am so ready for summer! FREE Summer Printable just for you :)