
117 Pins
How To Make Your Own Glow In The Dark Nail Polish
How To Make Your Own Glow In The Dark Nail Polish
Nail Polish Favourites with Mega Manicurist Lorraine Griffin
Nail+Polish+Favourites+with+Mega+Manicurist+Lorraine+Griffin+-+I’m+extremely+lucky+that+I+get+to+work+with+some+very+talented,+inspiring+and+lovely+people+on+shoots. I+feel+privileged+to+work+alongside+the+best+hairdressers,+photographers,+stylists+and+manicurists+in+the+business+and+watc...
Water Marble Nails With the Help of Elmer’s Glue
When doing your nails, use Elmer's glue around your nail, let it dry, go crazy with paint, and then peel off the glue.