organisation diy

152 Pins
Old book case. I added some casters to the back laid it flat and went to town. I used foam for the bottom to cushion, and I put on handles, now I'm using it for under the bed storage of lap tops, and camera equipment.
Simple Storage Ideas That Are Borderline Genius - 10 Pics
Simple Storage Ideas That Are Borderline Genius – 10 Pics
13 Under Sink Storage Ideas You’ll Wish You Had Found Sooner
Make the most of your cabinet space with these under sink storage ideas you'll WISH you had found sooner. So clever!
7 Quick Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try
If you keep lots of frozen fruits and veggies around, use binder clips to fake a second shelf in your freezer. | 7 Easy Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try
12 Space-Saving Essentials for Small Kitchens
A magazine file, mounted to the inside of a cabinet door, is a great place to stash long, narrow boxes like Saran wrap and aluminum foil
15 Genius Ways to Make Use of the Back of Your Cabinet Doors
Sometimes, you only have one clean hand left to unroll a piece of foil…
How to organize girls hair accessories, bows, elastics | Hacks, Tips and Tricks for Organized, Stress-Free Mornings with kids