
21 Pins
DIY Cucumber Trellis made from a Pallet
DIY Pallet Cucumber Trellis -- Re-purpose a wood pallet into a quick and sturdy DIY cucumber trellis -- no tools required. It gives space for the plants to grow and makes harvesting an easy task #lovelygreens #trellis #growcucumbers #pallet #vegetablegarden
Josh Wynne Construction - Eclectic - Tampa - by Josh Wynne Construction | Houzz
Brilliant water cisterns catch rain water to use for irrigation
Stormwater Management - Rainbarrels
A typical house has a roof area of 1,200 square feet and four downspouts that will each drain about 300 square feet of roof. That means a rainfall of 0.3 inches will fill a 55-gallon rain barrel placed under each downspout.
Recolección de agua de lluvia: Prácticas y beneficios - Blog Avatar Energía
Recolección de agua de lluvia: Prácticas y beneficios #recoleccion #agua #aguadelluvia #lluvia #ecologico #recursos #aprovechamiento #fuente #sostenibilidad #reservas #reciclaje #sustentable #bomba #españa #zaragoza #malaga #sevilla #madrid #asturias #andalucia
Large Rain Water Tank Suburban Backyard Stock Photo 106720109 | Shutterstock
Stock Image: Miscellaneous
Rocky Wall Tank - Granite, 106 Gallons - Rainwater Collection and Stormwater Management
Rocky Wall Tank - Granite, 106 Gallons - RainHarvest Systems Online Store for Rainwater Collection, Filtering and Sustainable Re-use.
Home - Cycling
It hasn't rained for about a month, did you prepare before it happened? Here's a great example of how to effectively store water...each IBC container holds 275 gallons of water.
Educational DIY Rainwater Collection System - All You Need to Know
DIY Rainwater Collection System Complete Right Side
The Garden Bed Drip Irrigation Kit
Garden Bed System
Regentonnenständer DIY - currtemn.globaltechtek.com
Regentonnenständer DIY#diy #regentonnenständer
Fosa septica din rezervoare IBC | Casa Si Design in 2020 | Diy septic system, Outdoor toilet, Septic system
Fosa septica din rezervoare IBC | Casa Si Design in 2020 | Diy septic system, Outdoor toilet, Septic system
30 DIY Rain Barrel Ideas to Be Frugal and Eco-Friendly with Water
30 DIY Rain Barrel Ideas to Be Frugal and Eco-Friendly with Water
Rain barrel
Rain barrel...I NEED this. Not much rain in Texas but what we have needs saving!