
68 Pins
Adverbs - Saddle Up for 2nd Grade
Adverbs can be such a difficult concept for kids to grasp. Visuals such as anchor charts or posters can be a great help. Come see a fun activity my class uses to learn about and review adverbs.
Using Capitals
I finally remembered today to take pictures of all the things that I have been doing in my classroom lately and I left my camera at school! ...
Put emphasis on sight words by combining them with other skills.
Put emphasis on sight words by combining them with other skills. | 19 Ridiculously Simple DIYs Every Elementary School Teacher Should Know
Grab and Go Brain Breaks in the Classroom • Tickled Pink in Primary
Put activities on popsicle sticks for quick brain breaks for your elementary classroom.
Cupcake Birthday Wall Preschool & Kindergarten Bulletin Board Idea
Checkout this great post on Bulletin Board Ideas! Birthday cupcakes you make yourself.
Cupcake Contraction Sort
Cupcake Contraction Sort. Students can use this activity as an opportunity to learn what exactly contractions are. Art is used through choosing colors (warm/cool) to make their cupcake and designing it as they choose. Along with art students learn language arts and reading to learn what exactly each contraction is and using art to learn them. Grades 3rd to 5th can use this fun art activity.
Where Do I Live? Kid Activity – Introducing Geography and Teaching Kids Their Address
Where Do I Live? Kid Activity - Introducing Geography and Teaching Kids Their Address - Rock It Mama
When In Manila - LOOK: These Stunning Disney Illustrations Will Make Your Heart Flutter
Disney Ratatouille Illustration