Αγγλική γραμματική

Blog | Allied Writers
Commonly Misused Words in Writing, and even more in speech xkx
Feelings And Emotions flashcard
Feelings Flashcards - Use to help A be able to express how he is feeling rather than rage all the time.
Character Traits List & Vocabulary Support
Great page that shows different character traits. I will use this page for writing ideas. AND ITS FREE!!!!
hellolearnenglishwithantriparto: “ hellolearnenglishwithantriparto: “ Commonly misused words in English source:dk.com ” #learnenglish ”
FREE Days of the week wheel
FREE Days of the week wheel Laminate the wheel, attach to laminated cardstock with brad so it can turn, add a mini clothespin at the top of the cardstock, place in students' binders. Students can turn the wheel to the right day and hold it with the clothespin. Add school and house pics to the correct days before laminating. On school holidays could just X out the school pic.
Reported Speech - a boardgame
Reported Speech - a boardgame - Repinned by Chesapeake College Adult Ed…