
13 Pins
Snowy Mason Jar: Holiday Inspiration - Hoosier Homemade
ONLY 3 supplies are all you need to make these gorgeous Snowy Mason Jars! They are perfect for a quick and easy holiday gift! Visit our 100 Days of Homemade Holiday Inspiration for more recipes, decorating ideas, crafts, homemade gift ideas and much more!
31 ideias para decorar a sua mesa de Natal com velas
DIY These Charming Cookie-Cutter Candles
diy cookie cutter candles. great to add extra energy to spells by using symbols. #Spells #Candle #Magic
How to Make Apple Candles
OMG--love this! Come learn how to make this centerpiece out of DIY apple candles. So pretty! Perfect for Thanksgiving or Christmas!
Editorial: branco e dourado para a ceia de Natal
Decoração Ceia de Natal - Mesa posta - Branco e dourado ( Decoração: Fabiana Moura | Pratos, sousplats e talheres: D. Filipa | Caminhos de mesa e guardanapos: Zara Home | Foto: Roberto Tamer )
HeavenCyntCandleCo - Etsy
All Natural Soy and Beeswax Candles with essential oils with a cotton wick. Aromatherapy Candles
How to add images to candles
This will make your inexpensive candles look high-end!
9 Ways To Make DIY Crafty Candle Holder for Lighting Mood | The Menads
Coffee-Bean-Candle-Holders - Your coffee bean candle holder is ready to throw a magic of aromatic candle never sense before.
{how-to | the top six best DIY's of the moment : gold edition}
{how-to | the top six best DIY's of the moment : gold edition} www.nelleandlizzy.com